GON • FREECSS @dustyrosetattooer killin' this HxH tattoo!
GON • FREECSS @dustyrosetattooer killin' this HxH tattoo!,Godspeed Killua ⚡️⚡️⚡️ Super happy I had the chance to do this tattoo, I'm a huge fan of this character and his design! I would love to do more characters from Hunter,Ikalgo from Hunter X Hunter making sushi out of himself! 🐙 🍱 by @mothytim,Repost 🔥 @paddy_tats 🔥 Killua⚡️ | Hunter x Hunter #hunterxhunter #animetattoo #animetattoos #killuatattoo #hunterxhuntertattoo #killuazoldyck #killua #animewhipshading #animewhipshadingtattoo,INKwell Studio Tattoos - Killua from hunter x hunter. More anime tattoos -Kenny Smith | Facebook