To anyone having trouble with the original ZX's map, here's an Advent style map showing all the connections properly! helped make the exploration and area finding a lot simpler for me :
To anyone having trouble with the original ZX's map, here's an Advent style map showing all the connections properly! helped make the exploration and area finding a lot simpler for me :
To anyone having trouble with the original ZX's map, here's an Advent style map showing all the connections properly! helped make the exploration and area finding a lot simpler for me :,Maps & Atlases & Guides – Tagged ,Waterfall Pocket Booklet Templates Vacation Crafts Mini Booklet Craft Kit Junk Journal Element Printable Craft kits DIY Gift PDF 002906,ロードマップ | Z/X - Zillions of enemy X - ゼクス公式サイト,warp MAGAZINE JAPAN(ワープ・マガジン・ジャパン) 6月号 (発売日2018年04月24日) | 雑誌/定期購読の予約はFujisan