Imaging multiple DNA repair enzymes in living cells based on framework nucleic acid fluorescence nanoprobe - ScienceDirect
Imaging multiple DNA repair enzymes in living cells based on framework nucleic acid fluorescence nanoprobe - ScienceDirect,Linked bridge hybridizing-induced split G-quadruplex DNA machine and its application to uracil-DNA glycosylase detection - ScienceDirect,Linked bridge hybridizing-induced split G-quadruplex DNA machine and its application to uracil-DNA glycosylase detection - ScienceDirect,Functional characterization of key polyketide synthases by integrated metabolome and transcriptome analysis on curcuminoid biosynthesis in Curcuma wenyujin - ScienceDirect,Functional characterization of key polyketide synthases by integrated metabolome and transcriptome analysis on curcuminoid biosynthesis in Curcuma wenyujin - ScienceDirect