The CRAZIEST Lamborghini Diablo GT Ever! Power Craft Exhaust Sound
The CRAZIEST Lamborghini Diablo GT Ever! Power Craft Exhaust Sound,Lamborghini Diablo GT in the Japanese countryside. 📸 Credits: @kenmsaito / @wearecurated #lamborghini #lamborghinidiablo #diablogt #supercars #classiccar #classiccars #vintagecar #vintagecars #DriveVintage,Excited to announce our Lamborghini Diablo GT #47 of 80 will be on display at the Quail Motorsport Gathering for its first North American debut! We recently imported this fantastic Diablo GT,Excited to announce our Lamborghini Diablo GT #47 of 80 will be on display at the Quail Motorsport Gathering for its first North American debut! We recently imported this fantastic Diablo GT,Pink Lamborghini Diablo GT w/ PowerCraft Exhaust - Hard Revving & Loud Sound!!