Apple Pencil (USB-C) - White Stylus MUWA3CH/A with Pixel-Perfect Precision | eBay,

Amazon.com: Apple Pencil (USB-C): Pixel-Perfect Precision, Tilt Sensitivity, and Industry-Leading Low Latency for Note-Taking, Drawing, and Signing Documents. Attaches Magnetically, Charges and Pairs with USB-C : Cell Phones & Accessories,

Apple - Brandclub - Apple Pencil (1st Generation): Pixel-Perfect Precision and Industry-Leading Low Latency, Perfect for Note-Taking, Drawing, and Signing Documents,

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![Apple Pencil [整備済製品] - Apple(日本) Apple Pencil [整備済製品] - Apple(日本)](https://store.storeimages.cdn-apple.com/8567/as-images.apple.com/is/FK0C2_AV2?wid=1144&hei=1144&fmt=jpeg&qlt=90&.v=1496963406662)
Apple Pencil [整備済製品] - Apple(日本)