Synergistic effect of reducing volume expansion and improving electrochemical performance through a LiF-based SEI formation on SiOx/C electrodes - ScienceDirect
Synergistic effect of reducing volume expansion and improving electrochemical performance through a LiF-based SEI formation on SiOx/C electrodes - ScienceDirect
Synergistic effect of reducing volume expansion and improving electrochemical performance through a LiF-based SEI formation on SiOx/C electrodes - ScienceDirect,Dual-atom catalysts with microenvironment regulation for water electrolysis - Journal of Materials Chemistry A (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D4TA03382E,Assessing environmental and human health risks: Insight from the enantioselective metabolism and degradation of fenpropidin - ScienceDirect,Development and Trait-Based Molecular Characterization of Thermosensitive Genic Male-Sterile Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Lines at Texas A&M AgriLife Research,Operational Decision and Sustainability of Green Agricultural Supply Chain with Consumer-Oriented Altruism