Biomass-derived porous carbon materials: synthesis, designing, and applications for supercapacitors - Green Chemistry (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D2GC00099G
Biomass-derived porous carbon materials: synthesis, designing, and applications for supercapacitors - Green Chemistry (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D2GC00099G,niko and |(M)NMRスウェット/HALFZIP | Rakuten Fashion(楽天ファッション/旧楽天ブランドアベニュー)JJ4692,Advances in Micro-/Mesopore Regulation Methods for Plant-Derived Carbon Materials,Research progress of solid waste-derived carbon materials for electrochemical capacitors through controlled structural regulation - ScienceDirect,niko and |ハーフZIPラインニットプルオーバー | Rakuten Fashion(楽天ファッション/旧楽天ブランドアベニュー)MZ2139