The #AMBUSH CLASSIC MISFIT RING. Where two classic signet rings merge to create a deviant, asymmetrical design, made in Japan. Now available at our WEBSHOP and WORKSHOP.
The #AMBUSH CLASSIC MISFIT RING. Where two classic signet rings merge to create a deviant, asymmetrical design, made in Japan. Now available at our WEBSHOP and WORKSHOP.
The #AMBUSH CLASSIC MISFIT RING. Where two classic signet rings merge to create a deviant, asymmetrical design, made in Japan. Now available at our WEBSHOP and WORKSHOP.,Show your allegiance with #AMBUSH SS24 JEWELRY, featuring new rings inspired by class rings and team emblems. Find the new HEART CLASS RING and TEAM LEAGUE RING at our WEBSHOP and WORKSHOP.,AMBUSH JEWELRY is defined by its ubiquitous designs and re-invented classics. New styles for SS24 are now available at our WEBSHOP and WORKSHOP. AMBUSH JEWELRY 日常的に身の回りにあるモノをジュエリーとして再解釈。 最新のSS24 商品はWEBSHOPとWORKSHOPで ,AMBUSH(アンブッシュ)の「AMBUSH / SKULL BONE RING(リング)」 - WEAR,A pop art-inspired brand at heart, #AMBUSH SS24 JEWELRY features this unique RING POP pavé style, a playful design that goes back to AMBUSH®'s roots. AMBUSH®︎にとってポップアートは大きなインスピレーションの一つ。#AMBUSH SS24 JEWELRYのパヴェRING POPは