Looking to sell! Pulled pack fresh and straight into a sleeve. Last one sold on EBay on 12/26/2024 for $990. Willing to take $950 OBO. Also willing to take trades for black Lucci deck.
Looking to sell! Pulled pack fresh and straight into a sleeve. Last one sold on EBay on 12/26/2024 for $990. Willing to take $950 OBO. Also willing to take trades for black Lucci deck.
Looking to sell! Pulled pack fresh and straight into a sleeve. Last one sold on EBay on 12/26/2024 for $990. Willing to take $950 OBO. Also willing to take trades for black Lucci deck.,X・ドレーク「R」(紫)[OP01-114]《プレミアムカードコレクション - ベストセレクションvol.2 -》 | 紫 | ワンピース カードゲーム通販専門店【ワンハッピー】,Looking for Op-09 english case, $1350 only sellers with references!Thanks!,ワンピースカード専門通販店バトスキ!,AMBIDEX Store 【予約販売】○ネコカットワークレース ワンピース(F クロ): l'atelier du savon