XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro 1080P Portable Projector with Multi-angle Stand, Wifi and Bluetooth, Android TV 11.0, 400 ISO Lumens, ISA 2.0, Supports 4K, Auto Focus, Object Avoidance, and Screen Adaption : Electronics XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro 1080P Portable Projector with Multi-angle Stand, Wifi and Bluetooth, Android TV 11.0, 400 ISO Lumens, ISA 2.0, Supports 4K, Auto Focus, Object Avoidance, and Screen Adaption : Electronics XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro 1080P Portable Projector with Multi-angle Stand, Wifi and Bluetooth, Android TV 11.0, 400 ISO Lumens, ISA 2.0, Supports 4K, Auto Focus, Object Avoidance, and Screen Adaption : Electronics,XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro, XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro ±120度軽々角度調整機能 プロジェクター台 天井投影対応 小型 フルHD 1080p Android TV 11.0搭載【 400ISOルーメン / オートフォーカス/自動台形補正 / 8W スピーカーを2基内蔵 / 静音/Bluetooth 対応/アイプロテクション機能/四つの ,XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro,XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro 1080p Portable Projector | XGIMI