C105 Confeito 新刊「Wiedersehen くろ Feiern」,C105 Confeito 新刊「Wiedersehen くろ Feiern」,WEB Zenon Editorial Department 5th Anniversary!! Five luxurious events will be held, including free release of more than 500 stories, double points for new registrations, five consecutive new serials, and five consecutive,Comifuro CF18 Saturday May 11th 2024 Day 1 only! booth AB14 - TT Rue Netta 💫 Meet @kevintwindicha @zeni_kyun @taikitheo 💫 Design by @nickcornr Cheki with all the casts cosplaying myth version!,🎐夏イベントの思い出[3] 🎐 🌈日本Comiket 104🌈 2024.08.11-12 是第二次在日本擺comiket, 然後今次成功完售了! 是新紀錄! 獲得了”在comiket完售的男人” 稱號~~ 今次帶了30本虹咲既刊和一些精品去參戰, 然後活動時間是10:30-16:00, 大概只有5個鐘賣(3點左右開始收檔