CREAM SPRING EDITION 2006 ISSUE 04 UNDERCOVER 高橋盾 / 株式会社 徒然舎 / 古本、中古本、古書籍の通販は「日本の古本屋」 / 日本の古本屋,Undercover: SS2006 'T' Cream | Archive Fashion Scan | ARCHIVE.pdf,Undercover Spring/Summer 2006 “T” Headpieces by Katsuya Kamo For over a decade, Japanese hair and makeup artist Katsuya Kamo has collaborated closely with Jun Takahashi. Kamo's career started in 1988 at Mod's,Undercover Spring/Summer 2006 “T” Headpieces by Katsuya Kamo For over a decade, Japanese hair and makeup artist Katsuya Kamo has collaborated closely with Jun Takahashi. Kamo's career started in 1988 at Mod's,14KB