A to Z Mysteries: Super Edition (14 book series) Kindle Edition,

Amazon.com: A to Z Mysteries Super Edition #13: Crime in the Crypt: 9780593301814: Roy, Ron, Gurney, John Steven: Books,

Amazon.com: A to Z Mysteries Boxed Set: Every Mystery from A to Z!: 9780593565384: Roy, Ron, Gurney, John Steven: Books,

A to Z Mysteries Super Edition #8: Secret Admirer: 9780553523997: Roy, Ron, Gurney, John Steven: Books - Amazon.com,

A to Z Mysteries: Books D-G: The Deadly Dungeon, The Empty Envelope, The Falcon's Feathers, The Goose's Gold: Roy, Ron, Pittu, David: 9780307916327: Amazon.com: Books