Novel Mechanisms Underlying Rubber Accumulation and Programmed Cell Death in Laticiferous Canals of Decaisnea insignis Fruits: Cytological and Transcriptomic Analyses
Novel Mechanisms Underlying Rubber Accumulation and Programmed Cell Death in Laticiferous Canals of Decaisnea insignis Fruits: Cytological and Transcriptomic Analyses
Novel Mechanisms Underlying Rubber Accumulation and Programmed Cell Death in Laticiferous Canals of Decaisnea insignis Fruits: Cytological and Transcriptomic Analyses,は゛なな on Twitter,ZX-195 公式限定ステッカー(小サイズ)付 | ZEXUS公式サイト | ゼクサス - その他,Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of DWARF53 Gene in Response to GA and SL Related to Plant Height in Banana,Exogenous Application of Melatonin to Green Horn Pepper Fruit Reduces Chilling Injury during Postharvest Cold Storage by Regulating Enzymatic Activities in the Antioxidant System