Ultrathin coordination-crosslinked nacre-inspired hydrogel superwetting membranes with enhanced mechanical stability for high-performance emulsion separation - ScienceDirect
Ultrathin coordination-crosslinked nacre-inspired hydrogel superwetting membranes with enhanced mechanical stability for high-performance emulsion separation - ScienceDirect,Bifunctional water splitting enhancement by manipulating Mo-H bonding energy of transition Metal-Mo2C heterostructure catalysts - ScienceDirect,Construction of 1D akaganeite-templated nanochannels in polyamide forward osmosis membrane for high flux separation and nutrient enrichment - ScienceDirect,One Pot Synthesis of Nanofiber-Coated Magnetic Composites as Magnetic Dispersive Solid-Phase Extraction Adsorbents for Rapid Determination of Tetracyclines in Aquatic Food Products,Construction of 1D akaganeite-templated nanochannels in polyamide forward osmosis membrane for high flux separation and nutrient enrichment - ScienceDirect