Neuron-specific protein network mapping of autism risk genes identifies shared biological mechanisms and disease-relevant pathologies: Cell Reports,

Amazon.com : E-Z UP Spectator Instant Shelter Canopy, 13' x 13' with 169 sq ft of Shade, Vented Roof, Royal Blue Dual Tone : Patio, Lawn & Garden,

Direct activation of toll-like receptor 4 signaling in group 2 innate lymphoid cells contributes to inflammatory responses of allergic diseases - ScienceDirect,

Improvement of cycle life for layered oxide cathodes in sodium-ion batteries - Energy & Environmental Science (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D3EE02934D,

The Origin, Characterization, and Precise Design and Regulation of Diverse Hard Carbon Structures for Targeted Applications in Lithium-/Sodium-/Potassium-Ion Batteries | Electrochemical Energy Reviews