空想科学小説ベスト10 ハインラインほか 訳:宇野利泰ほか 荒地出版社,

Adaline Kent: The Click of Authenticity: DiQuinzio, Apsara, Gunderson, Jeff, Nemerov, Alexander, Yau, Elaine Y.: 9780847899005: Amazon.com: Books,

Adaline Kent: The Click of Authenticity: DiQuinzio, Apsara, Gunderson, Jeff, Nemerov, Alexander, Yau, Elaine Y.: 9780847899005: Amazon.com: Books,

新装復刻版 変体英文字図案集|青幻舎 SEIGENSHA Art Publishing, Inc.,

The history of Kent: Historical and biographical