Valve Steam Deck 512GB Handheld Gaming Console with Carring Case, 1280 x 800 LCD Display, Bundle Silicone Soft Cover Protector & Tempered Glass Film
Valve Steam Deck 512GB Handheld Gaming Console with Carring Case, 1280 x 800 LCD Display, Bundle Silicone Soft Cover Protector & Tempered Glass Film,r/buildapcsales on Reddit: [Console] Valve Steam Deck 512GB LCD - $336.75 ($449.00-$112.25, 25% off),Valve Steam Deck 512GB Handheld Gaming Console, 1280 x 800 LCD Display, with Carring case, Tempered Film and Soft Silicone Protective Case -,The 512GB Steam Deck (LCD) is down to £375 at Ebay thanks to a 20% off code | Rock Paper Shotgun,Valve is selling the 512GB LCD Steam Deck for less than $400