I was able to make the headpiece and paint the shoes for Comme des Garçons SS2025. I'm happy to be able to work on clothes for the first time in a while.
I was able to make the headpiece and paint the shoes for Comme des Garçons SS2025. I'm happy to be able to work on clothes for the first time in a while.
I was able to make the headpiece and paint the shoes for Comme des Garçons SS2025. I'm happy to be able to work on clothes for the first time in a while.,SWIPES / UNDERCOVER-アンダーカバー/JUNYAMAN-ジュンヤマン/KENZO-ケンゾー/mastermindJAPAN-マスターマインドジャパン/doublet-ダブレット/TAKAHIRO MIYASHITA The SoloIst-ソロイスト/Children of the discordance/チルドレンオブザディスコーダンスUNUSED-アン ,I was able to make the headpiece and paint the shoes for Comme des Garçons SS2025. I'm happy to be able to work on clothes for the first time in a while.,旭川クラフト JUN COBO 淳工房 Ki Glass 木グラス ヒビ 国産クラフト 木製 コップ 和箪笥 | MUKU工房,TOKYO CULTUART by BEAMS TOKYO CULTUART by BEAMS Ozaki doll Masahiro Takayasu / Sumo-san (interior interior accessories) mail order | BEAMS