MXR M80 Bass D.I.+ Bass Guitar Preamp Distortion Pedal with Footswitchable Distortion Channel, Noise Gate and XLR Direct Out with 2 Path MXR M80 Bass D.I.+ Bass Guitar Preamp Distortion Pedal with Footswitchable Distortion Channel, Noise Gate and XLR Direct Out with 2 Path ,MXR® BASS DI+,MXR® BASS DI+ SPECIAL EDITION YELLOW,【MXR】IKEBE ORIGINAL M80 BASS D.I.+ Yellow|IKEBE LIVE SHOPPING #9【グランディベース東京】,MXR】ベーシストの圧倒的大定番エフェクター『M80 Bass D.I.+』のイケベ限定カラーが新登場! | Ikebe MUSIC INFORMATION