Just found this flashlight, it's a big beam no.1000. I tried lighting it with a 6v and some alligator clips but I'm thinking it's not enough voltage. I'll get a little glow
Just found this flashlight, it's a big beam no.1000. I tried lighting it with a 6v and some alligator clips but I'm thinking it's not enough voltage. I'll get a little glow
Just found this flashlight, it's a big beam no.1000. I tried lighting it with a 6v and some alligator clips but I'm thinking it's not enough voltage. I'll get a little glow,0298100.ZXEH-UL,0298400.ZXH Littelfuse MEGA® Series 400A Fuse | Waytek,Lol y'all been told : r/ar15,Li-Ning Superwave Mid - Wheat