Archive for February, 2012

Nuku Hiva in our Wake

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Feb 03 2012

Marquisas, French Polynesia 3 Feb 2012 3:45 a.m. 08S27 140W32

We are officially on our way out of town. Fully stocked and provisioned, we headed out at the crack of dusk. We sailed out of the bay and past the point just in time to see the sun hit the water instead of the mountain in the west. We have one more uninhabited island to visit for a day or two before we continue north to Hawaii. We should arrive around 10 a.m. = in 6 hours or so.

It’s another melancholy departure for me, we’ve loved our time here. Friends stopped by briefly to say goodbye, and as they motored off in their dinghy, their son (around 6 years old) called out “Vous allez me manquez, c’est tout.” (I’m going to miss you. That’s all). It definitely brought on that wet eyed, burny nose feeling. Yea…that’s all. I’m going to miss this place, these people, C’est tout.
