Archive for April 13th, 2010

What equator?

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Apr 13 2010

Pacific Ocean – Southern Hemisphere 13 April 2010 05.4366S 133.3218W

I just found out from Christina, that the map on my post describing the equator crossing, did not originally show in her browser. She had to go in and fix it, adding 00.0001 to get the map and our little marker to appear. Zero degrees, zero minutes does not exist for Google maps, so apparently there is no equator. I can understand The Google’s perspective, zero is in fact nothing, and the client is king, and since nobody wants to be a zero and everybody wants to be a one* – eradicating zero starting with the equator seems like a logical step. But this brings up so many questions! I wonder how much it had to pay for the equator before eliminating it? Did The Google foresee the impact on global climate change? What’s next? The dateline? The poles? Will we be computing with Gs and 1s instead of 0s and 1s?

So, I did not need to be worrying about slicing the line or pushing it down at all, since it has conveniently been removed for us. I guess Neptune’s ambassador is out of a job. But what kind of sacrifices would appease The Google? Probably not a single See’s candy. Sigh. We do not have access to a Google Ambassador on board; should we be sending the three bottles of rum the neophytes owe, to The Google? After all, since it is considered a citizen now by the U.S. supreme court, it should be allowed to consume alcohol. (Or maybe not since it’s not yet 21?) Does anyone know if it’s Mr. or Mrs. Google? Under 21 – maybe Master Google? Or just The Google? Does anyone have an address for The Google so we know where to send the rum. Or do we just mail the package C/O Topeka?

So many questions, so few answers!

The good news is The Google does not seem too perturbed with us. We continue to have great weather and fast days. 204 miles/day the day we crossed the equator, 196 miles/day yesterday, today we’re down to 186 miles/day since we lost our equatorial current (maybe due to the fact that the equator does not exist anymore). Still all record days for Silver Lining.


*Correspondents, I need to give due credit for the “nobody wants to be a zero, everybody wants to be a one” but I don’t have The Google here to help me find the originator. Was it Viktor Borga or George Carlin? or?